Astrid Mathilde Boberg

Heia! I am a designer from Northern Norway with a background in web development and a passion for sustainability, currently doing a master's degree in design at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

This is some of my projects 👇

Recent work experience 👩🏻‍💻

Research Assistant @ Ocean Industries Concept Lab

I work with interaction design on the research project OpenZero. We are making design standards for user interfaces that enable ship operators to make energy efficient decisions. Since the OpenBridge design system is already widely used in the global maritime industry, this project will reduce the carbon emissions across the entire industry.

August 2024->

Student Assistant @ Ocean Industries Concept Lab

I contributed with the design and maintenance of OpenBridge, an open-source design system and UI Kit for advanced mairitime workplaces.

February 2023–June 2024

Life lately ✨

Currently on my third year at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, specializing in interaction & service design, but I have taken a break from my studies this year to work with OpenZero as well as some personal projects. I have started re-reading the entire Harry Potter series, and I spend a lot of time in the stable, doing yoga or journalling.

Last updated in August 2024. Inspired by Now.

Contact 🤝

My email is, but you can also write to me on Instagram or add me on LinkedIn!

Further discovery 🔎

You can learn more about me, view the code on Github or see what I have done to reduce this site’s carbon emissions.